FAN/VAN Awards

The award  Pro Architectura Vernacula For Folk/Vernacular ArchitectureNépépítészetért  (with Latin, English, and Hungarian names) was established after our international conference in 2023 by the Committee for Folk Architecture (HAS, Veszprém) and the Symmetry Foundation (Budapest). It is given to architects or researchers who support international cooperation in folk/vernacular architecture and help the work of the Folk/Vernacular Architecture Network (FAN /VAN) established in Hungary. Following the decision of the members of the Committee and the leaders of the Foundation, the award is presented to the selected person in the framework of a conference or a special session
On 14 June 2024, the award was given to In-Souk Cho (Korea) during a session organized at the headquarters of the Association of Hungarian Architects, with the participation of the Research Institute of Art Theory and Methodology of HAA (see this event in the calendar of FAN/VAN).

Dénes Nagy (President of the Committee for Folk Architecture) gives the award to In-Souk Cho and András Krizsán (President of the Association of Hungarian Architects) greets her with flowers.  Photo: József Istenes (Nové Zámky / Érsekújvár / Novum Castrum, Slovakia)